Greetings...! my name is

Patrick Mbugua A Developer & Tech Enthusiast

I am a software engineer with 3+ years of experience and a commendable expertise in building highly responsive systems capable of running in both small and large devices, enhancing the best memorable user experiences, not withstanding my strong foundation in both front-end and backend development,skilled in developing user-friendly web applications using nextjs or react .See some of my skills/tech in the About section!

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01. About me

Hello! my name is Patrick Mbugua from Nairobi,Kenya a tech enthusiast keen on evolving with new technologies as they emerge . In recent times the world has witnessed cutting edge technology that has enhanced service delivery ,production,better decision making and promoted efficiency in an organizations. I am the link between your organization and efficiency through modern Technology, developing highly responsive and secure web applications.

My passion in coding begun in 2017 when we started to learn introduction to programming as an Applied statistics with programming first year student,second semester,I could enjoy seeing the magic behind a small line of code executing large beautiful data visualization graphs,data plots and creation of powerful prediction models using R-Programming language. But at this time mathematics passion superseded coding because data analysis tools did the chunk of what is needed and one expected to master the statistical analytical techniques

In 2019 and 2020 while I was a third and fourth student ,my coding passion was ignited when I joined Mathematics with Programming for Development a student led initiative that towards my last year of study was transformed into Muranga University of Technology Google developers club which really motivated us through bootcamp scholarships and this is the time I fell in love with Python programming language therefore diving deeper into learning its architecture.

How I became a website developer-There was this time after clearing campus around 2020-2021 I was contacted through my Upwork account , hired by a client to do web scraping using a popular python package known as beautiful soup ,a task that really gave me hard time to tackle because of Zero knowledge of how a basic website is normally structured, and mind you for the job to be successfully accomplished it required someone who could read through html page to identify anchor,table and paragraph tags.Unfortunately I had to fail my client because I was unable to mine the required data and forced to refunded the client since the task given had to be terminated while incomplete.Out of frustration I decided to learn the basics of developing a website ,an initiative that gradually led to becoming an expert in developing both the front-end and backed of a modern ,beautiful and fully responsive site and eventually a software engineer developing the modern use case of APIs.

The more I code the more electrified I become to continue developing web applications. I have several projects completed among them this portfolio and others that will be featuring on this platform and github which you can feel free to interact with. Thank you and feel free to contact me for consultation or project development.

Here are some technologies that I have been working with recently!

  • next logoNext.js
  • tailwind logoTailwindcss
  • supabase logoSupabase
  • jira logoJira
  • ts logoTypeScript
  • python logoPython
  • django logoDjango
  • djangorest logoDjango-restframework
  • js logoJavaScript
  • React
  • mongo logoMongodb
  • prisma logoPrisma ORM
  • mysql logoMySql
  • css3 logoCSS
  • html5 logoHTML
  • bootstrap logoBootstrap
  • postman logoPostman
  • postman logoAmazon Web service
  • postman logoDigital Ocean
  • postman logodocker

02. Where I have worked

  • PM Codes
  • I.E.B.C
  • Kenya National Bureau of Statistics
  • Shira ltd(QCS)
  • Shira ltd(PO)

Software Engineer @ PM codes

March 2021 - Present

  • Responsibilities
  • User Management
  • Analyze user requirements, develop interfaces that control the scheduling of jobs and control the access rights of users and remote systems
  • API Documentation
  • Generating api endpoint schemas using the capabilities of django rest framework to aid in incorporating backend developments with frontend.
  • System Management
  • Maintain system by monitoring and correcting software defects, database schema updates as service production mutates and conducting diagnosis.
  • Team collaboration and coordinations
  • – Work closely with other staff, such as project managers, graphics, UX designers, other developers, system analysts using platforms, such as Jira to assign todos/roles.
  • Running Code Tests
  • Evaluating the expected system behavior, and developing existing programs to mitigate and modify any discrepancies.
  • Systems integrations
  • Integrate existing software products to get incompatible platforms to work together with service providers such as Mpesa, paypal, stripe and other effective modes of goods/subscription payments.
  • Design and maintaining a Good user experience front-end
  • Consult clients and colleagues concerning the maintenance and performance of software systems with a view of codding or modifying current in operation systems to enhance better user experience.

03. Some of My Projects


Featured Project

Social App

This is an interaction site where users can post messages ,photos ,comment and like or dislike posts in order to deliver a certain information to their friends. Users can authenticate using their google ,facebook and github accounts in a click of a button or sign up for an email with password login. User authentication is enabled by next-auth and other auth providers like google ,facebook,and github integrated in the supabase authentication system Authenticate users can update their user profile easily which can be viewed by friends and other users but cannot edit make it easier to interact with friends

  • Nextjs
  • Typescript
  • Next-auth
  • Google auth
  • Facebook auth
  • Github auth
  • supabase
  • vercel deployment

Featured Project


An e-commerce website that facilitates authenticated and non authenticated user to shop for goods on one stock.

User is able to add items to cart while not authenticated but on login the system is able to merge the cart items to one if the user still add items on login.

Authentication is simple and i preferred google login for security purposes.

With a google account, google auth and next-auth will safely authenticate user

on checkout we will use


but if need be we can also integrateMpesa

Below are the technologies I am using to develop the site only 85% complete

  • Nextjs
  • Tailwindcss
  • Typescript
  • Prisma
  • Mongodb
  • Google auth
  • Next-auth
  • vercel deployment

Featured Project

My Portfolio site

My portfolio website which showcases my up to date resume,contacts github,linkedin,twitter,skills or technologies used to develop the site as well as some of the projects I have made and are currently in use.

  • Nextjs
  • Typescript
  • tailwindcss
  • vercel deployment

Featured Project


One-Ant-Top Flies and cattoys design is an ecommerce site displaying their fishing flies and cat toys designs that enables a client to order and track their deliveries.

  • Django
  • HTML
  • MaterializecCss
  • railways app deployment
  • s3 bucket
  • Amazon deployment
  • Postgresql

04. What Next?

Let's Get in Touch!

I am currently open for a software engineer role.Whether I am open for opportunities or not , my inbox is always open for you to say Hi, or ask a question and will try my best to get back to you.